Web Marketing Explained Lou Diamond Editor

Web Marketing Explained Lou Diamond Editor
Brand: Lou Diamond
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40 Successful Internet Marketers Explain Step-By-Step How They Make Money On Line. Need More Traffic? Sales? Get Help From The Pro’s!Proven tips from real people, making real money on line!Dear Friend,Right now, people all over the world are making money on line via their Web Sites and Ezines, and I have managed no less than 40 of them to reveal their personal success tips with you…… so keep reading if you want to find out how they do it!No matter what you sell on line (Ebooks, software, or affiliate programs), your business will only become profitable if you know the basics of Web Marketing!You may have the coolest web site in the world, a site that impresses and entertains… but if you don’t know how Web Marketing works, you will never make ONE SINGLE CENT from your site. The truth is, most people are totally confused and puzzled about Web Marketing… … and no wonder… There are thousands of wannabe guru’s out there, telling you they have the Secret To Making Money… but all they want is your money… However, don’t panic :-) Marketing on line is not as difficult as you may think. Really, it’s not!Anyone can do it, and there’s no need to waste your money on expensive marketing sessions, training classes, or guru video’s…… it all comes down to some simple basic rules (like using autoresponders, pop-up windows, setting up joint ventures), and once you understand how Web Marketing really works, your business just can’t fail!Now, here’s help for you… Web Marketing Explained contains nothing but proven tips and methods that are currently used by 40 experienced and successful Web Marketers who make a good living from their E-business.These experts all have one thing in common… they use the same simpleweb marketing techniques to make their profits.And now they are sharing what REALLY works and what DOESN’T when it comes to Internet Marketing. They are telling EXACTLY what they are doing to get the phenomenal results that you can also get with your own Web Site or Ezine.Don’t worry, this is not a boring book about marketing psychology or branding your business… Web Marketing Explained contains over 100 pages, packed with hardhitting facts and live examples of how some of the Web’s most respected marketers create streams of income with their E-business.Below are a few of the names that reveal their success tips: Joe Vitale (Joe is the hottest copy writer in America. He can sell condoms to nuns and vegetarian cookbooks to Texas cattle ranchers :-)Andrew Fox (Andrew’s web business went in under 2 years from $0,00 to $350,000! Now you can discover what he did to get there)Jason Potash (Creator of the Ezine Announcer software)Jeff McCall (Owner of the Success Library)Alex Sampson (Founder of Ultra Marketing Enterprises, and author of Perfectly Profitable ProductsMani Sivasubramanian (Well respected author of the Ezine Launch book, and expert in Ezine Marketing and Promotion)Neil Sharing (Full time UK marketer, owner of the ScamFree Zone, and writer of several bestselling products)Ruth Townsend (Founder of The Directory of Ezines, expert in Ezine Advertising)Robert Smith (Famous UK Marketer and Publisher of The Internet Marketing Newsletter)Merle (Owner of the Ezineadauction.com service, and all round Internet Marketer)Dirk Dupon (Ebook marketer and author of Web Site and Ezine Promotion Made Easy!Pamela Heywood (Respected Ezine Publisher and owner of TuCats-Design.com) Lisa Frenzel (Author of Secrets Of Top Affiliate Marketers Exposed)Paul Reilly (Paul is also know as the Viral Marketing expert)Paul Barrs (Long time marketer and owner of the Home Business Mastery)And this list goes on for a while… It’s true; you learn best and fastest by asking help from the Big Players. Well, here’s good news… I have done it for you!I have created a list of the most important questions that anyone who plans to set up (or already runs) a web business can think of, and I invitedthe 40 experts to answer them in all honesty. Here are a few of the questions…What do you consider the most difficult part about running an online business?