Webinar Marketing Mastery: Beginner to Pro Overnight

Webinar Marketing Mastery: Beginner to Pro Overnight
199.99 USD
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How this course will DOUBLEYOURBUSINESS! Give a meaningful, seamless webcast that persuades, motivates and gets your online audience to do what you want. People serious about making money take this course because they have to deliver a make-or-break webinar to: Deliver a product pitchConvince a big clientNeed help getting more salesGet any audience to do what they wantSo many webinars are boring and “pitchy”. learn how to avoid these costly mistakes. Do you like to listen to the boring elevator pitches of other people? Of course not. So, why would others want to hear yours?What WILL help you is to ensure that you have a true value proposition that’s interesting, provocative, and shows your audience what’s in it for them. This course will show you how to make what you say online valuable so you can persuade and motivate others to act on it. I will personally model the exact techniques and specific skills you need to do just that in your next webinar. You’ll learn dozens of techniques you’ve never seen before to getYOURaudience to do what you want-About the Topic-What is Webinar Marketing?Webinar marketing is using an online seminar to connect with a wider audience and promote your business. The term webinar comes from the words web seminar. Most marketing webinars are lead generation tools that provide free, valuable information in the hope that participants will see the need to upgrade to paid products or services offered by that company. Webinars are a different kind of lead magnet, with the potential to offer even more value and better leads than a downloadable checklist or ebook. Webinars usually consist of a presentation followed by a Q & A session. Because they are a visual medium, webinars can help presenters connect quickly with participants. Most people will also grasp the information faster than if its just written down. Companies use webinar marketing to: Demonstrate products and servicesExpand on content published in a blog postShowcase their expertiseWebinars can also get attendees interested in buying products and services. But if youre planning to use webinars for lead generation, theres one point we have to emphasize: a webinar is not a sales pitch. Its not about you; its about providing value for the participants. However, showing that value is also the reason why webinars provide the perfect opportunity to sell. If the idea of selling without a sales pitch leaves you scratching your head, look into the course. Webinar Marketing StatisticsBefore we dive in, lets take a look at some statistics that show the benefits of webinar marketing for your business. For example, did you know that, according to the Content Marketing Institute, 58% of marketers use webinars for promotion? And about 32% of them think webinar marketing will be critical to their success this year. When you dig down into the webinar marketing statistics theres even more data to show just how effective marketing with webinars can be: Webinars retain 40% of viewers attention, according to Make Social Media Sell. Between 20% and 40% of those who attend a webinar become qualified leads, says ReadyTalk. Between 2% and 5% of webinar attendees will buy something from you, says the Branded Solopreneur. Only around half of the people who register for a webinar actually attend. Still, the results of using webinars speak for themselves: Jeff Molander of MakeSocialMediaSell got a 29% close rate from a single webinar. Scott Britton made $11,286 from his course using a webinar. Ilean Harris has a 20% conversion rate from her webinarsAs well being great for making sales and lead generation, other important features of webinars include: They provide an easy way to handle pre-sales objections face-to-face. They are excellent for boosting traffic, brand awareness, authority and your list. As the Branded Solopreneur points out, they speed up the sales cycle by reaching people wherever they are in your sales funnel. How to Find a Webinar TopicOne of the first things you need to do to start a webinar marketing campaign is come up with a suitable topic. You can do this by: Mining your blog for popular topics that might make good webinars. If people ask questions and make comments, that can suggest that they might be interested in a related webinar. Checking your social media profiles and asking your customer service team to find out if there are questions you keep getting. Seeing what other webinars are out there and picking one that you can do better. Finally, write a catchy title. Like all content marketing, webinars rely on their titles to pique peoples interest. A great title will be interesting and informative. Here are some examples of webinar titles that caught our eye. The image on the Snap webinar is striking, and gets attention even if youre not immediately sure how it relates to the topic: How to Create a WebinarRemember when we said earlier that webinars are the perfect place to sell, but without a sales pitch? Keep that in mind as you start to create your webinar. When planning a webinar, its important to