Website Portfilo Design For Designers Master Class TM

Website Portfilo Design For Designers Master Class TM
199.99 USD
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About the Master Class: This course will cover mainly about portfolio and its making process. This is all what a designer needs when he wants to project his work, let it be documentation of his work, let it be showcasing of his work, presenting to some customers clients or designinterviews. This is the prime required document, that is why I took 17 iterations to make my final portfolio in PDF and then took 1-2 months to convert into WEBSITE Design and I’m going to teach you what all the learnings in these 17 different iterations of portfolio are. What I did to make this good. Design philosophy: As I used to say in my design courses, that design cannot be learned in the rot learning or Text book way of learning that you do through a chapter wise and remember some formulas that will yield you some solutions. Design is unique and when different people approach the same problems we will get different solutions based on the inputs that designer works on. So design can be approached in the way of learning through the case studies and by doing action on your own to learn yourself. Learning by doing and learning by action. Benefits of the Master Class: Basic way in which how to structure your portfolio in terms of projects skill sets and about you, because based on writing about yourself only will clarify what kind of a put for you you know whether you need a document are you just need a webpage are you need a website you need a online page like Behance, etc to showcase. Everything comes from what you write about design and what you want to project in it. Many elements of portfolio such as cover page making final and page making project list organising of projects in your own style et cetera has been discussed in detailWhen it comes to portfolio there are different types of projects like research based, DATA based, visualisation based, skill based, so a designer or creative person should know how to document different types of works based on the information that you got, particularly how to work on the dynamic pages of web design. When it comes to static portfolios the format of aligning the text and then paragraphs and then pictures is different but when it comes to web design which is dynamic you need to make it easy for the user to navigate and scroll. How to show live interactive buttons and easy actions to take such as downloading resumes or going to the homepage or going to the main projects, which is what you want your user to see mainly apart from going through your whole website. How to show graphics of your entire web design or the number of projects in a very quick nutshell. Analysing the study of various graphic design aspect from space management, grid alignment, choosing of typefaces, choosing of colours and creating characters along with that learning certain laws likeGestalt law of psychology, Heuristics principles of Jakob Nielsen. Making your own design website is the expression of your unique design. So that you will differ from all the people who are fighting for design jobs. Of course it could be a PDF portfolio or perhaps a Behance account or anything but it’s up to you to decide which you wanted to do. There are three different types of viewers given below and are you satisfied three of them using your webpage design, Fast based glance users - spend 10 seconds on the page and 2 mins on overall portfolio. Only important info scanners - spend a few mins but retire only important and useful info which is popping in their eyesDetailed users who read each and every detail in the document to get as much information as possible in a very short span of time. If your project has too much pictures how to balance it out with text and other stats, vice versaPortfolio making is like a puzzle and sometimes you need to fit the pieces correctly in order to get the maximum beauty which makes it perfect.