Working from home is something which many of us could imagine ourselves doing. The idea of getting out of bed and switching on a laptop or PC creates an impression that many of us feel comfortable with.In her new book, Work from Home: Social Media Marketing, Shelley Wenger introduces you to the power of social media and how it can be used to provide an income for you.Inside, she describes in detail how she came to work from home and how it has become such an integral part of her life, before going on to give you the low down on;•An introduction to marketing•Introduction to Social Media and Social Media marketing•Hоw to create a fan pаgе•Tiрѕ fоr using Fасеbооk fоr buѕinеѕѕ•Tips to increase your fоllоwеrѕ оn Twitter•An overview of YоuTubе mаrkеting•Other Social Media sites•And much, much more…Many people would love to work from home and do it successfully. Marketing successfully is part of the process in that and Social Media marketing is the perfect fit for the person who works from home.Work from Home: Social Media Marketing will help you to market successfully, build relationships and ultimately build a solid foundation for your ‘work from home’ business.