English Computer Users Information Communications Technology

English Computer Users Information Communications Technology
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Technical reading texts and realistic listening material keep learners up-to-date with recent developments in the fast-moving world of computing.A comprehensive glossary of computer terms and acronyms provide valuable language support for students. contains 30 topic-based units covering everything from computer essentials through to programming, web design, job-hunting, and future technologies. offers up to date material on this fast moving area. The course does not require a specialist knowledge of computersIn line with the latest developments in Information Communications Technology (ICT), this course teaches students the language and skills they need to understand and work in the world of computers. The 30 topic-based units cover everything from computer essentials through to programming, web design, job hunting, and future technologies. A focus on terminology is combined with vocabulary and grammar practice to give students the tools to use English in areas such as describing features and functions, applying for jobs and discussing the world of ICT. With the support of clear explanations, no specialist knowledge of ICT is required, making this course ideal for anyone who needs to understand the English of computing for study or work. Computers are an essential part of everyone’s day-to-day lives and are becoming more important all the time. Can you imagine living without a computer, the Internet or your smart phone for even just one day?It would be almost impossible! We’ve put together this list of computer vocabulary because these days, English language learners have to know how to talk about computers for both their personal and professional lives. People use computers constantly and even more so than for other fields, English is the dominant language for subjects such as computer science, programming and web design. In this Course, you will learn all of the vocabulary you need to speak about computers, technology, and the Internet in English.