How to Blog - The Creators Guide to Content Marketing

How to Blog - The Creators Guide to Content Marketing
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Blogging is dead they say. Not quite. Blogging about whatever you want and expecting to build and audience is most certainly dead, but as a platform for content marketing it’s more effective than ever. You just need to know what you’re doing. Come find out my step by step process for building high traffic blogs through effective content marketing. Learn how to blog and how to properly structure your blog posts for optimal on page SEO. You’ll learn: How to find topics your audience wants. What types of content to produce and what to ignore. The proper way to technically structure your blog posts for on page SEO. Mistakes beginners make with images, categories and tags. How to create great feature images. This course is designed for beginner bloggers and small business owners new to using blogging as a form of content marketing. Learn how to properly research topics, structure your content from a technical standpoint and my personal methods for success. Blogging is not the same as writing a paper for an English class. There are one page SEO, technical aspects you need to look out for as well as UXdesign principles you can’t ignore. If you’ve been blogging but are not getting the results you want and have had enough of wasting time, enroll in the course now to learn how to blog for content marketing.